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Luv Bug Pin Craft Kit - Craft Kits & Projects & Jewelry Crafts this product is a lot people search and Luv Bug Pin have sold by trusted site. We already surveyed have been popular and is cheap price now.
Here are some of the great features of Luv Bug Pin Craft Kit - Craft Kits & Projects & Jewelry Crafts
Luv Bug Pin, Luv Bug Pin Craft Kit. These wooden pins are easy to make and fun to wear! 3 All craft kit pieces are pre-packaged for individual use. Kits include instructions and extra pieces. OTCAge RecommendationAges 8 & Up Containing many pieces of all shapes and sizes and made from a variety of different sturdy materials some of which include sharp edges or points including glass beads ceramics or metals. Activity may require weaving beadwork knotting or special glue.
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